What if...
-ice cream were good for you?
-money really did grow on trees?
-we didn't live in a fallen world?
-a kiss could make it all better?
-your wildest dream came true?
-your deep, dark secret were out in the open and it no longer held you by its chains?
-you said what is really on your mind?
-guilt went away?
-love was always there all along?
-you took a big risk?
-you said, "I love you"?
-fear weren't a factor?
-you were overflowing with hope?
How happy we would be. I like the whole money growing on trees thing. Do you think they'd sell those at Lowe's?
LOVE this Thursday 13. Thanks for making my day brighter. :) And yeah, I want one of those trees too.
Oops. That's my mom's ID up there. I'm logged in as her while she's out of town, so I can check her comments.
Y'all can have my money tree if I can have your ice cream!
Hey - I missed this TT!
Um... I'd say the world would be pretty awesome. I especially like the letting go of deep dark secrets. In truth, there is freedom. No?
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