Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Operation: Wonder Whoa-Man!

At the beginning of the month, my roommate and I set a goal for ourselves to lose "x" number of pounds by the end of the month. We would do this by making healthy eating choices and going walking together. Week one was going swimmingly. I lost three or four pounds because I stuck to my plan. (Amazing how that works!). Then, I thought it wouldn't hurt to eat an entire pack of slice and bake chocolate chip cookie dough over the course of four days.

Hey, look! There's the wagon. Wait a minute...I'm not on it!

*drumroll, please...cymbal crash!* I'm back on the wagon, people! And this time, I have a serious incentive to stay on. You see, my office is having a dress-up day for Halloween with a Superhero theme, and I will be going as my favorite superheroine. (I already bought my Wonder Woman costume, and it's cute! Finally, after all these years, I'll get to dress as WW! My little sister (pictured at left) got to have WW underoos when we were little. Somehow, I ended up with Scoobee-Doo. I SOOOOOOOO got the short end of the stick on that deal! I love this photo of my sister. The belly and the knees are too cute! And notice that the "cape" is actually a nightgown tied around her neck--what a resourceful kid!)

So last night, I had to kick it into Cuervo and start what will heretofore be referred to as "Operation: Wonder Whoa-Man!". That means that I need to drop some poundage quick to look like the hot crime fighter that I will be, come Oct. 31st. I don't think cellulite is tolerated in the Justice League. Then again, maybe Wonder Woman wore control top panty hose. I'm pretty sure she did.


J said...

Ack! That's not much time...then again, you probably don't have much to lose. Good luck! I also LOVE the pic of your sis, by the way. ;) Scooby Doo? That's just wrong.

Autumn's Mom said...

Your sister is adorable. I loved playing wonder woman when I was little. I'd get the tin foil for my bracelets and everything.

Especially for the office, I think control top super tight hose is a MUST! haha

Beenzzz said...

Love the picture. I bet you'll look great in your costume. I have to loose some serious poundage myself. I'm dressing up as Cleopatra for a Halloween party. Nah...maybe I'll just buy a good girdle! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm there for you, sista... trust me.

Cb22 said...

weight loss seems to be a current theme in the blogger world these days...

Anonymous said...

There's a pretty sweet yellow belt on those roos, but you can't see it because my big belly is hanging over it. It's funny how 20 something years later not much has changed. The belly. I don't still prance around in Underoos and a cape.

Jenn said...

I'm asuming we will be getting pictures!?!?!? =o)

And of COURSE WW wore control top....puhleeze!