Have. to. cry.
On. cue.
Help! There are so many what ifs? What if I can't? What if I don't? What if I fake it and it looks, well, fake? I'm nervous. Pray for me.
Funny followup note:
I wrote my acting coach an e-mail and told him how nervous I am. He wrote me back the following...
You have to be there b4 you get there...
Don't stress it, be in the moment
and trust the true experience.
Oh, and as a side note...Martin Scorsese will
be a special guest tonight.
Just a joke...it's actually Mr Speilberg. :-)
Ha ha.
Based on reading some of your writing, I know that you are capable of tapping into your emotions and are able to express them beautifuly. Something tells me that you will find the way to get there tomorrow night.
Crying on command is a difficult thing to do, but I'm sure you can do it. Just think of something that melts your heart. That usually works for me....even though I'm not an actress. :)
May you have the tears you need at just the right time. May His peace keep you in the moment, enjoying and entering into the opportunity to do the very thing God has gifted you to do.
That would be very difficult for me to do. But, you CAN do it!
Maybe you'll be SO scared of messing up you'll cry for REAL!!
I know you can do it Tracy :)
As for Autumn's teeth, I paused American Idol the other night so she would brush her teeth. Each night I'll have to come up with somethin! hahaha
Have a great weekend!
Gosh. I hope it went well! Let us know!
You're a girl; isn't that ability built in?
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