Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bars and Parties: Defined

As a recovering packrat, I have been sorting through my boxes of Things Saved from the Nineties. In doing so, I came accross a piece of paper with the following definitions...

Bars - Places people go who don't know one another, but pretend to be old friends.

Parties - Places where friends of friends go to become more than friends.

I can only imagine that I came up with these definitions in New York City during my first year or two as a single woman, living on my own, just trying to make sense of the world aournd me. I think my definitions hold at least a kernel of truth!


Anonymous said...

I find that parties and bars both are "Places people go who don't know one another, but pretend to be old friends." People at parties and bars always seem to be on guard as if someone is judging them.

But people in Restaurants are more open and chatty. So I'd define Restaurants as "Places where friends of friends go to become more than friends."

I wonder if my perceptions are influenced by region, age or temperament. Good food for thought here.

J said...

"to become more than friends"... was someone perhaps putting the moves on you in NY, and you were all, "Like, WHATEVER!"...oh, wait, that's in L.A. language, and you were in N.Y. Probably can't print what it would be in New Yorker language, without the F word, right? ;)

Autumn's Mom said...

I think I agree with Ally..I remember about 6 months after I turned 21 and we'd hang out at the same joint every weekend. And one day I walked in and was hugging these people who were "friends" and I remember thinking..OHMYGOD I don't even know these people! Why are we hugging??? I was completely grossed out. That was the beginning of the end of my party scene.

Buttercup said...
