I so enjoyed photographing this beautiful family at their home on Saturday. When they called and told me they wanted me to take pictures of their baby girl, I was thrilled. I love babies, and photographing these tiny humans during their earliest days and weeks is such a joy.
I had been contemplating buying a black background, and when this family told me that they wanted the pictures to have an artsy/dramatic quality to them, I knew it was time to spring for this fun purchase! I bought a collapsible/expandable 5'x6' backdrop (black on one side and white on the other) that folds into itself and is easy to transport and setup, so taking it with me to this family's house was no problem at all, and I am so pleased with the results!
Their baby was a star performer!
I can't tell you how satisfying it is to be learning and growing in a craft/artform that I have desired to learn for such a long time! My business is taking off, and I'm so happy!
Not bad at all! I like the second one.
Lovely pictures! How do you get the black background? Sorry, but I don't know a whole lot about photography.
Looks like you made a good investment in the background.
I agree, I love the second one.
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