While watching the State of the Union address tonight, I became convicted that perhaps I have more left-wing leanings than I thought. Sure, I might be a card-carrying Republican, but I'm also a member of a union. Yes, I like my government on the smallish side, but I also want the National Endowment for the Arts to keep live theatre, well...alive!
The thing that really made me realize that I'm reaching farther across the aisle than ever before? Nancy Pelosi and I...

...totally have the same haircut! See?
Now I know you're thinking, "Please, Tracy, you have bangs and Nancy doesn't." But to that I say, "I'm trying to keep things non-partisan around here people! Sometimes you have to overlook the little differences to find the things shared in common."
I like you way more than Nancy. Hair and all. I can't allow you to compare yourself.
Your Republican Nancy Pelosi disliking sister!
Hilarious. By the way, you look WAY better than she does. ;)
Ha! That's very funny!
I like the do Trace! So Cute on you. Miss you my sweet friend!
Very cute! Your hair is cuter than hers, and I agree that our country has become FAR too partisan in the last couple of decades.
You are so funny! Never let a simple thing like bangs keep you from trying to meet in the middle and work together!!
Hi Tracy, I agree with your Republican Nancy Pelosi diskliking sister :) Cute haircut!!
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