Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Starshine Report: It's Back On, Baby!

The other day, my own dear Mother wrote this on my Facebook wall:

"Missing you on the starshinereport :("

When Mama comes calling, I try not to disappoint!

I was very excited when I found out that the theme for September blogging over at NaBloPoMo was "Return".  Here is their explanation:

September's theme for daily blogging: RETURN. Returning -- or turning again -- is about reflection, about going backwards, about revisiting a spot or memory. Sometimes people think that it can be a negative thing to live too much in the past, drowning in nostalgia. But a lot can be learned by mentally returning to a moment, replaying what happened in your mind, especially if lessons are learned in the process.

That seemed like good inspiration for me. So check in during September! I'll be writing! xoxo

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