Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Rosy Retrospection

One of my dear friends, Kelly, is a counselor. If you don’t have a counselor for a friend, I highly recommend getting one. So much wisdom at my fingertips! One of the many pearls of wisdom that Kelly has shared with me from her knowledge of psychology is the concept of “rosy retrospection”—that is the tendency to remember events of the past in a much more positive light than they actually occurred. Remembering all the great dates you had with Mr. Dreamy Eyes, but forgetting how he never really got your sense of humor. Remembering the splendor of the Empire State Building, but forgetting the stench of the streets of Manhattan. Remembering the fun of your college years, but forgetting the countless hours of studying and all-nighters you pulled to make the grade. It’s not that rosy retrospection is always bad. Many times, it is a great gift of grace, covering over a multitude of sins of the past. Other times, though, we have to whip off those rose-colored lenses and look the past in the face for exactly what it was, so that we can move forward into a rosier future.

Sometimes looking Mr. Dreamy Eyes right in the pupil reveals a shallowness of soul and will help you remember you are better off without him. Remembering the smell of urine on the sidewalks of Manhattan may make Anytown, USA seem like a much more bearable place to live (and it won’t detract from the splendor of the Empire State Building a single bit!). Our tendency as human beings to see the grass greener on the other side of whatever fence we are on can become a paralyzing temptation. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t make change in our lives. Change is a necessary part of our growth. I am saying that sometimes our longing for a greener pasture is so great that we squander the opportunity to frolic through the green, green grass of our own backyard.

So frolic on, shepherd boys and girls! It’ll be fun! As I take a walk through my own backyard, here are a few of the things I am so thankful for:
  • My wonderful family and friends that love me.
  • An apartment that feels like a peaceful place that I can call home.
  • A nice roommate.
  • A "day job" that pays the bills.
  • A date on Saturday night! WOO-HOO!
  • A great acting class where I am growing in my craft!
  • My God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who knows everything about me, and loves me anyway…unconditionally!

I am so blessed!


Anonymous said...


Mark and I love knowing that we are part of the green grass of your life! So good to see your heart! Lots of love to you,

Anonymous said...

Tracy - what a wonderful posting!! I'm so happy to read that you are happy and growing! We love and miss you!
Steve, Jen, & Abi