Let's see...my hands are dry as sandpaper, boxes are strewn about everywhere, and my left thumbnail is covered in white paint. Yep...it's official...I've moved! On Saturday, we brought what remained of my belongings to what will soon be our place. We scoured my old place from top to bottom, in the hopes that leaving the place clean would ensure that I'd get back as much of my security deposit as possible!
Yesterday, we spray painted some furniture for our guest room white (shabby chic theme), and I have to say, there are definite signs that this condo is no longer a bachelor pad. eSuitor's place has always been nicely decorated, but it has looked very manly. However, from my current vantage point, as I sit here typing this post, I'm looking at two bouquets of flowers and a ficus tree. Yep...I'm definitely cutesing the place up a bit!
I'll be flying to Texas at the end of the week to spend some time there before the wedding, and in the meantime, one of eSuitor's friends is being kind enough to let him crash over there. (We didn't want to live together until we're married.) So you can bet that I'll be nesting to my heart's content this week, and making sure that my feminine touches find their place here in our place. Oooo! I love that. It has a nice ring to it, huh?

That is the cutest room EVER!
Ohhh and I bet it smells so good with that candle in there. Mmm Mmm! And I think the cake stand makes a lovely home for the yummy candle!
Enjoy your nesting time!
that really IS the cutest room ever!
gosh, this is all so exciting (for you and for us in internetland!)
great idea about the lampshade, did you do that yourself?
I love how you've decorated! Great idea for the cake stand.
VERY cute. Love the guest room, and how chivelrous of eSuiter to let you do your will with the place for a week!
What's happening to my bachelor pad? AAAAAAGGGHHH! I should never have left town for a conference.
The zebras stay.
Cherry - Thanks! Nesting is FUN! Hard work, too. I woke up this morning with sore muscles. Spray painting seriously taxes the muscles in your forearm. :)
Wordnerd - Glad you like it! I did make the lampshade myself. It was very easy. I went to a craft store and bought some "fake" daisies, cut the blooms from the stems, and hot glued them to the lampshade. I love crafting!
ML - Yea! You like the cakestand! J and Cherry gave that to me at a shower in San Francisco, complete with homemade cookies by Cherry!
J - Very chivalrous, indeed. Even though he's protesting in his comment, he's really being very sweet and supportive of my feminine touches to the place.
eSuitor - Yea, yea. You know you like it!
Very nice. If you are trying to entice me to come down and stay in the shabby chic guest room...It's totally working :D
first of all- i LOVE THE NAME STARSHINE! it is toooo cute! secondly, thank you so much for all your awesome comments on my blog!!!
lastly- OMG, you get married in ONE WEEK!! WOOHOOO!!! so excited! email me and tell me all the details!!! so excited for you!
First, Your guest room is so inviting. I could visit. We girls have to have our nest, so you will add all the touches that make it homey. Where's all your loot. Show us more in the weeks ahead. I hear wedding bells!!
Mama Bear
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