Sunday, September 23, 2007

Autumn is Here!

When Hubs and I woke up this morning and headed out the door to church, we were greeted with crisp, cool, clean air. The sun was shining and the sky was a clear blue expanse cradling masses of poofy, white, Simpson-like clouds. Autumn has arrived, and I couldn't be happier about it.

Autumn is refreshment after a long, hot summer.
It is beauty in all of its glorious colors.
It is crisp apples.
Tiny Trick-or-Treaters.
My favorite season for clothes shopping.
Turning leaves.
Chai Tea Lattes from Starbucks.
Snuggles with my honey.

It is even the season of my name, which means "Bountiful Harvest". I've always loved that!

May your harvest be blessed with thanksgiving and joy!


Cherry said...

YAY! for snuggling with honey!

J said...

Yay for snuggling, yay for Autumn! I'm thrilled as well. This summer has been a pretty mild one, thankfully, but still...I love the turning of the leaves, love everything about fall. LOVE IT. :)

ML said...

I love Autumn! Enjoy!

Beenzzz said...

Fall is the best time of the year. I can't wait for Halloween. :)