It's simple really: "Maybe if I sort of half smile at him a little flirty-like, he'll be too distracted to hear me when I break wind riiiiiiight now. Phew! It was a silent one. Why did I cook chili for dinner the night before my portrait sitting? That's right Leo! Here's lookin' at you, kid."
Who knew?
Ha! My word verification is "cutie". OK, cutie!
I always have hoped that my word verification would eventually spell a real word!
Have a great weekend!
Cute post, Starshine! I've had numerous discussions with people about her smile.
I think she knows something but is not about to let anyone know what it is ;)
My word verification is: lopil
Great minds think alike! Only you did a much better job with the elocution.
You have me laughing off my chair! That was the best.
The mystery of the smile has finally been solved! lol.
Ha! Chili! Oh that Lisa.
Ok and just because it makes no sense, my work verf is 'creciess'.
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