As an adult, I have even had the opportunity to see it twice on the big screen, both times with my actor-friend C.B. The second time was a special sing-along version. Kinda like karaoke en masse. It was FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! People came dressed up in costume (my favorite was a family who came as brown paper packages tied up with string). And when the movie started, we all hissed at the Baroness Schraeder. Good times!
Imagine my excitement when a co-worker told me that this happens at the Hollywood Bowl EVERY SUMMER!!!
I think I may feel a tradition coming on.
I'm going to admit to you...I've never seen the sounds of music. Can you believe that??? I know I know. I'll check it out someday.
Thanks for your warm wishes. You have a wonderful relaxing weekend.
Looks like "The Sound of Music" at the Hollywood Bowl next month is performances of the staged musical. ("Come see the original version of the show that started the “Sing-A-Long” phenomenon!") I guess we could sing along anyway. Plus, "Bo Duke" is playing the Captain! :)
Saddly, I couldn't find anything about the Hollywood Bowl sing-along, except a press release from last year's show. But I did find this fun CNN piece from 2000:
~Your Roomie
I've acctually gone and done that, the Sound of Music thing. Totally fun.
The hills are alive, my friend. They are.
I did the sing-along Sound of Music thing in SF many years back. It was so much fun.
I'll tell ya a secret.. my lovey breaks into song with "My Favorite Things" a little more often then I'm sure he'd like me to annouce. But his favorite is 'The Lonely Goatherd' by far (but he can never remember the lyrics)
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