Happy birthday, eSuitor! I hope you enjoy this walk down memory lane!
(Many thanks to your Mom for these awesome photos.)
Just 17 days old.

Campaigning for Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew
Fourth Birthday
Four years old~Preschool Picture

Family trip out West~rafting on the Snake River in Wyoming.

Junior High~7th or 8th grade
Boy Scouts ~ Always my "daddy long-legs"!
Oh, yeah! Check out those tinted lenses and that blue velour sweater!
Tenth grade ~ I totally would have had a crush on you in high school!
Junior or Senior Prom
Twenty-first birthday!
College graduation
Ski trip with your mom about ten years ago.
His Royal Hotness~Surfing in Mexico
Graduation from seminary ~ May 2007
How amazing to see in pictures the metamorphasis from baby to boy to man! I am so proud of the man you have become. So blessed that you are mine!
Happy happy birthday to my friend, B! Great job with the pictures...
Happy Birthday E-suitor! Those were great photos! He and my hubby are the same age. :)
Love the boy scout photo. Nice knees!
Happy, happy. Joy, joy.
Happy Birthday eSuitor!
I think my brother had that same velour sweater! HOT!
Happy Birthday, eSuitor!
Great pictures!
Those pictures are hilarious - he looks exactly the same as he did when he was a baby! Happy birthday to him.
Happy Birthday, eSuitor!
So nice to see all the pictures from a baby to a man...
Happy Birthday to eSuitor!!!
He hasn't changed much since high school.
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