...but he's been showing off a little in the outside world, too.

He's also a champion snuggler. He likes snuggling with his Mom....

He likes snuggling with his Grandma...

And he likes to take naps on his Dad's chest while he watches hockey. It's a male bonding sort of thing.

I hope he'll like to snuggle with Tia, too, because I'm coming for a visit real soon!
My nephew was the same way. Champion snuggler! He'd fall asleep on the check of anyone willing to stay still long enough. I spent 4 straight days in San Antonio with him sleeping on me and it was, honestly, the best 4 days of my life.
Enjoy it now, because he'll outgrow it quickly. I still miss my little snuggle bunny and he's almost 3 now!
He's the cutest baby I have EVER seen. Adorable! Of course I'm a little biased...I'm his mom. : )
Seriously though, Jilly, he is a beautiful baby! And we all know that Tia isn't biased at all! ;)
eeeeeee! so cute! so tiny! so snuggly! and i love the newborn froggy legs! gorgeous! the e-man is 18 months and still snuggly. i know he'll outgrow it, but i enjoy every moment, and know you and your family will, too.
Oh, what a sweet little snuggle bug! I'm a lucky mom...my daughter is 12, and will still snuggle with me once in awhile. It's been a long time since she could fit like Sam, though.
Sigh. I miss this part. Snuggling is the best. Jilly, he's pretty darn cute, I must say!!
I just found your blog via Dooce and I'm glad I did. What a sweetie!!!
Holy cats! I leave you alone for a year and a half and suddenly you're married?!
It took me a few posts to realize Sam wasn't yours. I know I've been out of the loop, but I figure I'd've heard something about that!
Your husband has a pretty wife.
What a cute baby... my little girl used to sleep like that on my husband's chest and we'd play James Taylor on the stereo. It was so peaceful.
This post is so precious! I love the ultrasound pic and his smiling pic right below it. Talk about amazing!
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