Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Remembering Maya's Granny

One of my friends, Julie, has been grieving the loss of her dear mother, Joycelyn (known in the blogosphere as Maya's Granny). Julie became one of my first blog buddies when I started The Starshine Report. About a year later, we met face-to-face in San Francisco, and she is just as lovely in person as she is on her blog. Sadly, her mom passed away four days after my dad did, so we have both been blogging about our grief, as we are going through similar seasons of life.

Maya's Granny was a prolific blogger. In addition to writing about her life and the causes she believed in, she also recorded many stories of her youth and of her family history, so that her granddaughter, Maya, would have a written record of them...what a precious gift! Maya's Granny stopped by and occasionally commented here on my blog, always leaving me the most encouraging and uplifting comments. Thank you, Joycelyn! Your kindness meant so much to me, and I will miss you.


J said...

Thank you Tracy! You are so kind to commemorate my mom here. You have no idea how important her blog was to her...as she got sicker and sicker, and was unemployed, those last few months before her heart attack, her blog (and an online support group she belonged to) was her connection with the outside world. Her way of communicating and enjoying the world around her. I'm very glad that I got her set up with the blog, and that she enjoyed it as much as she did.

Chancy said...

What a lovely commeration for Maya's Granny.
I read her blog faithfully and felt I knew her, although we had never met.
She is missed in the blog world.

Thanks for visiting my blog.