For those of you who don't understand why in the world I'm wearing a winter wedding dress in the middle of the summer, there is a very special story about it that I wrote about here. (I added a special photo on that post, as well.) For those of you who have been asking me to show a photo of the dress, this is my favorite bridal portrait:

Just before the music swelled, my Dad told me to relish my walk down the aisle. "This is a very special wedding," he said. I agree...it was mine! I did enjoy my walk down the aisle, even though I was crying the whole way!

The wedding ceremony:

With my mom and sister (who was also my matron of honor--or "best girl", as she preferred to be called):

Our first dance. He sang to me as we danced (and stole a few kisses):

Cutting the ever so chocolate wedding cake:

Leaving the reception together. I took the overdress off halfway through the reception. The underdress was a strapless dress that could be worn alone:

Oh My GOSH!!!! You guys look so stunning. I love your dress. E-suitor looks handsome and I love your wedding cake. More pics!!!!!
Awwwwwww! Sounds like it was a wonderful day...your pictures are all terrific...but I especially love the last one. YAY!
You are a beautiful bride!! The whole thing looked wonderful. Congrats and enjoy!
YAY! Love the pics, I'm so glad you had a wonderful day! How was Hawaii? I'm guessing those pictures are next-ish, huh?
It was such a joy to celebrate with you. You were/are stunning!
Welcome home!!! I can't get over the fact that I first read about eSuitor here on your blog when you had gone on your initial first dates, and now, seemingly only a relatively short while later, you're married!!! Wow. Even if I hadn't gone to the wedding, I still would have felt a part of it just having followed the developments on your blog. I am so happy for both of you. You both look wonderful in the photos, and the dress is gorgeous. Can't wait to talk with you!
Your wedding day sounds just lovely! Your dress is beautiful and you and your new husband make a wonderful couple!
Please post more pictures!
Welcome back! The dress looks stunning (and oh my, the cake!)! Can't wait to hear about the honeymoon, too (or at least the public parts).
The dress is gorgeous, winter and all. Love the underpart too. Congratulations to you.
You were a BEAUTIFUL bride. Your dress is so pretty. I'm so glad you are happy and well. Congratulations to you and your HUSBAND!!!
Tracy, congrats!!!!!!!!!! Your dress looks beautiful... and of course, so do you!
So Gorgeous!
Congratulations you two! I can't wait to hear more stories and see more pictures.
And um... that cake? looks so good! What a perfect choice.
Welcome home newlyweds!
.. pero que guapísimos... gracias por compartir estos momentos tan bellos de vuestras vidas.. ya que no hemos podido estar acompañándoos Paloma, Palomita, Noemi y yo, os mandamos un beso, un abrazo y el deseo de Felicidad y bendición de Dios para vuestra unión en Su amor..
.. un besito desde Mañolandia, amiga :-)
.. sed muy muy felices..
That is one of the most beautiful wedding dresses I've ever seen. Wow! You both look stunning as do your mom and sis. :) Congratulations to you both! Now, when does eSuitor get a real name?
You are stunning! Absolutely beautiful and wow.
What a lovely wedding! YAY! Congratulations again!!! I can't say it enough.
Have a lifetime of blessings and happiness together.
The pictures are great, you both look so perfect, what a wonderful, incredible day!
Also, don't know if you saw it yet, but I gifted you with a Rockin Girl Blogger Award, it's on my page, so when you get some time swing by to pick it up. Save the picture to your computer and then add it into your sidebar as a photo.
Best to you,
Scarlett & Viaggiatore
Very nice. I'm glad that it all went so smoothly for you. Yeah.
Oh.... you looks so beautiful in that wedding dress!
Well, I kept checking every day, hoping for a post. I hope that means you were too busy enjoying your new life to post.
The pictures are just beautiful. I like the one of you dancing and this last one best.
God Bless you two with years of wedded bliss!
Mama Bear
I've been meaning to comment all week. Congratulations! You look so beautiful and happy!!
Awesome dress! Now comes the dilemma...what do you do with a dress you can only wear once?
Congratulations! Enjoy the funniness that is marriage.
Okay, anyone else suffering withdrawals? lol WhatEVER could they be doing that would keep her from the important task of updating her blog??? :)
Ha ha, Susan! I just put up a new post!
your dress is amazing and so unique and I LOVE IT! everything looks perfect!!!!!!!
Congratulations! You look beautiful!
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