A year ago yesterday, I was out on a date with the first guy I met through eHarmony. He took me to see Mama Mia, which was a really fun musical. I didn't hear from him the next day, but I did hear from him the day after that, when he told me that he was getting back together with his ex-girlfriend. You can read about that emotional rollercoaster ride here. Thank You, Jesus, for not letting that work out, because...
A year ago today, I was matched with eSuitor. As soon as I saw this picture and read his profile, I knew I wanted to meet him. I was hoping that he would initiate communication with me, but after about five days, my patience ran out, and I had to clickety-click-click on him. (He likes to tell me that I wasn't being forward, I simply "dropped the hanky". Thankfully, he picked it up!) He answered my request for communication right away, and soon we were e-mailing, talking on the phone and out on our first date.
We had our first date at a Thai restaurant in
WOW! Times flies when you are in loooooovvvveeee. So happy for you honey!
how CUTE are you two? Congrats Starshine, such a wonderfully happy life ahead for both of you!
Sooooo cute. What a great story. You make it seem so simple. :)
Some things are just meant to be and you and eSuitor are just that!
What a great post and recap. You both look so happy :)
Ahh, how a year flies when you're in love.
Maybe you guys will be on one of thoes eHarmony commercials this time next year.
what a lovely story, lot of luck and love :-)
Starshine - isn't it amazing what a difference a year makes? Can't wait for the wedding! Love ya!
WOW! Happy first posting-a-versary and first match-a-versary with E-Suitor! Great photo of the two of you!!!
Well, I had been wondering about the meaning of the term esuiter. Now I know. And this was a God thing. "I like it when a plan comes together". In this case, his plan for the two of you.
How did the audition go?
Mama bear
Congrats on a year anniversary. Glad to be a witness of God's grace in your life with esuitor...
Take care...
Love the post. Now I'm going to go look at your old ones. ;) Happy 1 year!
I agree with Wordnerd, so, so, so CUTE.
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