This is my friend Troy. His stage name is Troy Edward Bowles. He's the most amazing dancer I know. We first met each other eleven years ago doing a show in Utah called How the West was Won. It was my first professional show, and Troy became a good friend.
It is always a wonderful thing when a friend goes on to achieve great success, and Troy is one who has gone on to do amazing things! He's been on Broadway, played Radio City Musical Hall, and is currently touring with Broadway Across America's Mary Poppins! He's the dance captain for the show, and he also performs as a swing (covering many different roles in the show).
When I heard his show would be coming through Houston, I was so happy I'd get to see him again! Although he wasn't on stage that night, he did take Brian, me and our friends on a tour of the stage and backstage area!
Here are the chimney sweeps' brooms:
and the back side of one of the chimneys:
The theatre had the most amazing fly systems I've ever seen!
As part of our backstage tour, I got to sit on Mary Poppins' special device that makes her slide up the bannister. It was a little bit awesome:
Our friends and us at Jane and Michael Banks' home!
Jane Banks' doll house is a replica of 17 Cherry Tree Lane. Cool, huh?
The many umbrellas of Mary Poppins:
If you have a chance to see the show, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (You could say it backward, which would be dociousexpicaliisticfragicalirepus, but that would be taking it a bit too far, don't you think?)