September 2005: Cross-country Road Trip: Mom, Sis and I drove half way across the US of A from Texas to California in my little Japanese commuter car. On that trip:
-we stopped along the way and had lunch with my Dad. It was the first time we had all been together (just the 4 of us) since I was 18. It was truly a powerful and awesome experience. There is nothing like family. Mom, Dad and Jilly: I love you all!
-Friends from Texas were calling us saying that Hurricane Rita was on its way and that lots of people were evacuating.
-A few days after arriving in LA, I had a fender-bender.
October 2005: My grandmother passed away. She lived to be 95 years old. In her own words, she was "a tough old bird".
November 2005: I had my first two acting gigs in LA!
December 2005: From almost day one in LA, I knew that I had the worst roommate situation since my freshman year in college. The clincher came in December when my roommate, who
offered to drive me to the airport to fly home for Christmas pulled a no-show, and left me frantically scrambling to find a ride. Thank the Lord for taxi-cabs!
January 2006: I decided to do the
online dating thing through eHarmony.
February 2006: Tensions with my roommate got so bad that I decided to move out. I found a new place, and coordinated the move all by myself. I really felt like a grown-up! (I now have a fabulous roommate, and we get along great!) I also started my blog in February, which has brought my a lot of joy!
March 2006: I met a
fabulous guy--
April 2006: I felt like a I
really lived in LA when my church held their Easter Sunday service at the Hollywood Bowl. First kiss with eSuitor was the day before Easter. I got to celebrate my first kiss with eSuitor and the resurrection of our Lord all in the same weekend! ;)
May 2006: My Dad found out that he had a very serious cancer--metastatic melanoma. My sister and I spent time with him as he was receiving his treatments. I had never seen my Dad suffer so much. He is such a strong fighter! He really is one of my heroes. I love you, Dad! (Follow-up note: Please keep praying for my Dad's healing and strength. He will begin an alternative treatment next week, and I know he would appreciate your prayers.)
June 2006:
Falling in love!
July 2006: July 4th was an awesome day that began at the beach, continued at Dodger stadium for a game and fireworks, and ended with
words that I won't forget!
August 2006: One of my goals when I moved to Los Angeles was to spend more time with my relatives in San Francisco. eSuitor and I had an awesome roadtrip and a
fun weekend with family.
September 2006: September was a month full of familiar feelings--the sense that I had come full circle. Senses tend to bring me back in time. The smells of the season, the coolness in the air, music in my car all brought me back to this time a year ago. When everything was new. When I was teetering on the edge of a new adventure. When I felt scared of this new life and hopeful at the same time. Looking back one year later gives me a feeling of accomplishment. A feeling of "Phew! I made it!". A feeling of gratitude for all that God has done.
"But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you." 1 Samuel 12:23